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A Short Week

With Monday off last week for Columbus Day, our short week at school really flew by! We enjoyed Farm to Table on Wednesday, and on Friday we filled out applications for new classroom jobs. In science, we continued our investigation of sustainability and biodiversity. We watched a fun video from Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and we will focus our class discussions on the importance of biodiversity next week. Your students can expect a test in science on Friday, October 21. Our next science unit is Biomes.

In ELA, we’ve read more of our class novel, Esperanza Rising. By Monday, everyone should have read up to p.158. We also had another spelling test last Thursday. If your child receives three test grades of 100%, they will be eligible to move up to the next higher spelling group. We are hoping to keep everyone challenged with this incentive.

On Monday we will meet with our Book Buddies, Mr. Smith’s class, to do an activity on Eating Real, our Green Challenge for this month. Please try to support this challenge at home by discussing healthy eating habits with your children. Also, please consider supporting the PCCS’ Food Drive. All proceeds will go to the Fremont and Warren Township Food Pantries. Food items will be used to create the Food Store Simulation that will be held at the end of this month. You can drop off donations in AM Carpool.

Our classroom coordinator, Mrs. Profenna, recently sent home an email about some volunteer opportunities in the classroom. First of all, we are looking for volunteers to help with the Halloween Party on October 31, from 2:15-3:15. We are also looking for parents to bring home our classroom table towels to wash and return once a month. And finally, we are looking for volunteers to conference with individual students during Writing Workshop. Times available to help with Writing Workshop are Thursdays,1:40 – 2:20 and Fridays, 8:55 – 9:35. You can come each week, once a month, or whenever you are able!