As we begin the new trimester on Monday, this is a good time to celebrate the successes of your students and reflect on areas where we’d like to see continued growth. I look forward to talking with you and your student at our Student Attended Conferences next week. Please use the following link to sign up for November Student Attended Conferences. Please note that we will have an Early Release on both conference days (11/19 and 11/20) to allow time for us to meet.
We are excited to recognize our veterans with a Veterans Day celebration on Monday at 10:30 in the gym. All are welcome to attend, and veterans have been invited to stay for a reception afterward. The 5th – 8th grade students wrote the names of veterans on stars that have been taped to small flags. These flags will be used as outdoor decorations around our campus.
In ELA this week, our focus will be on John Muir and his autobiography, My Life with Nature. On Thursday (Mr. Hurwitz’s class) and Friday (Mrs. Neil’s class) we will be taking our Muir Treks. Muir Treks are longer hikes around campus that are completely led by the students. Teachers, as well as Ms. Naomi and Mrs. Flaig, will accompany the classes, but the students have the freedom to choose where we will “wander,” John Muir style. These hikes can last over an hour, so please ensure that your students are dressed appropriately for the weather. Spelling tests are Tuesday for the following groups: Squishy Bananas, Disney, Yellow Submarine, Banana Smores, and Australian Hawks. Be sure to check with your child to see which group he/she is in.
In social studies this week, we will continue our Election unit as we nominate and choose a class mascot for each class. The classes have been divided into two “parties” – the World Wildlife Fund and Defenders of Wildlife. Each party will choose four nominees. From there, we will hold primary elections as well as a general election. Materials for this unit can be found on Google Classroom if you’d like to support your child’s leaning at home. Let the campaigning begin!
And finally, we are encouraging several students to re-take the Government test that was given last Monday. If your student would like to improve his/her grade, please encourage them to take the re-take on or before Tuesday. This way, we can enter the re-take score before First Trimester report cards are emailed home on Friday.