Ms. Bonicontro and I would like to thank you for sharing your children with us this year! They are an amazing group, and we are excited to get to know them better as we begin this 5th grade journey together. It was a busy week of introductions and learning many new class procedures. We explained our classroom economy to the students and everyone chose a classroom job. Be sure to ask your child to tell you more about our economy!
This week will start off on a high note as we prepare to witness the Solar Eclipse on Monday. A message was sent out to all PCCS families earlier this month, but I just wanted to remind you that we are planning to take all classes outside at 1:00. The school has purchased nine pairs of eclipse glasses for each classroom. If your child has his/her own pair, please considering sending them to school. I also sent home instructions on how to make a pinhole viewer with any student that was interested. Feel free to send these in with your child as well. Since we will be sharing our eclipse glasses, I have talked to both science classes at great length of the danger of looking directly at the sun while not wearing the glasses. All teachers will be very vigilant during our time outside. Parents are absolutely welcome to join us if you are interested! Just sign in at the office and meet us in the classroom around 12:50.
We will also administer the Fall NWEA test in math and ELA this week. The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, August 22nd, 8:10-9:00: Math
Tuesday, August 22nd, 12:10-1:00: Math
Thursday, August 24th, 8:10-9:00: ELA
Thursday, August 24th, 9:00-9:50: ELA
Please be sure your child is well rested the night before each of these testing days. A good breakfast and timely arrival at school will also help to ensure they perform at their best. A make-up day is scheduled for Friday for anyone who is absent or requires extra time.