Mrs. Agnew’s Adventurers
Friday News
3rd Grade Math
This week’s session began with a problem string that uses stamps as a jumping-off point for exploring multiplication. Students look at groups of stamps and find the total cost of each group. They discussed and shared their strategies together. Toward the middle of the session, they took the Unit 2 Pre-Assessment. Finally, students were assigned the Pet Store Home Connection.
Word Study for 3rd graders consisted of gameplay this week reinforcing consonant clusters at the end of words as well as consonant clusters that blend two and three consonant sounds (onset). Word Study for 4th graders reviewed 500 High Frequency Words in order to read and write with accuracy and speed. We read The Junkyard Wonders. We turned our attention to detailing characters and discussed what inclusion means.
Students continue to fill their journals with small moments and create potential plans for a number of fiction and realistic fiction stories. This week we have focused on making our characters believable by creating scenes for our characters which creates vivid writing.
Science and Environmental Education
The students enjoyed their field trip to the Lockhart Nature Center and are on their way to becoming ECOHeroes! Our students are learning that the world needs their help. All over the planet, people are forgetting their connections to the earth. They are polluting the air and water we breathe, they are destroying the habitats that plants and animals need to survive. To combat these and other problems, we need ECOHeroes!
An ECOHero is someone that understands how the earth’s systems function, and cares about nature and all the other creatures that we share the planet with. An ECOHero leads by example, trying to live a lifestyle that doesn’t hurt the earth, and helps others to understand the importance of doing so as well.
To become an ECOHero, we will need to undergo training in four areas:
- Ecological Understandings, to ensure that you have knowledge of how nature truly works
- Connection to Nature, to ensure that you love and care about the earth and its inhabitants
- Outreach to Others, to ensure that you are teaching others about the importance of keeping earth’s systems in good working order
- Habits that Help, to ensure that you are leaving an earth-frie
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, October 6, 2022-Early Release-Teacher In-Service
- Friday, October 7, 2022-No School-Teacher In-Service
- Monday, October 10. 2022-No School-Columbus/Indigeneous Peoples Day
- Tuesday, October 11. 2022-Picture Retake Day