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Turner Times 10/5/18

Greetings families,

It was a wonderful week in 6th grade! Students attended our first field trip of the year, to the Milwaukee Public Museum, where they applied knowledge of culture and archaeology to artifacts from the museum (click here to view photos). The trip was timely, as students also designed museum exhibits of their own this week, to prepare our “confrontation” between homeroom classes regarding what was inferred about the mysterious culture created by each. Using some of the same inferring skills, in ELA students have been studying how authors characterize the protagonist in a piece (looking at our literature circle books as well as video clips for modeling examples). Next week students will begin to draft another personal narrative to show their growing mastery of characterization.

Toward the end of the month all classes will conclude our Sept/Oct focus on “Eat Real” with an experience at the traditional PCCS Food Store. Our class will have the chance to partner with our 1st grade book buddies for a hands-on, real-life experience at the store. In order to make this a success, we need support by having families donate food items. Please see the flyer here for more information. I will be providing students with 2 hawks tickets for every 1 item they donate over the course of next week!

Important Dates

Monday Oct 8: No School

Wednesday Oct 10: Picture Retakes

Friday Oct 12: Natural Leaders Assembly, 8:15 in the gym


Have a lovely long weekend!
-Ms. Turner & Mrs. Krissek