Hello! Just a few reminders prior to Monday’s first day of school:
- As usual, I hope everyone is able to get a good night’s sleep and make time to eat something for breakfast.
- The whole school will be gathering around 8:15 am, in Market Square, and all are welcome to join us for this assembly.
- Although there is no official lunch/recess time on early release days, I will be giving students a 20 min snack time after 10 am, so you are welcome to send something with your child.
- Dismissal will be at 1 pm on Monday, and then our usual 3:30 pm the remainder of the week.
- For those of you new to Prairie Crossing, please read through this explanation of how “carpool” works at PCCS; having everyone on the same page helps ensure safety for all. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Looking forward to seeing everyone bright and early Monday morning!
PCCS Carpool Procedures
Have your children carpool if you can – that is the most efficient and best environmental option. In order for carpool to run efficiently, everyone must follow the same procedures.
Cell phones: Please remember that it is a state law that cell phones are NOT permitted to be used in school zones. We need your full attention on children to assure their safety.
Entrance: Please use the Jones Point Road entrance into the Kennicott parking lot. Cars may not use Prairie Trail as an entrance or exit during AM or PM carpool. Please do not park or drop students off on bordering streets. Refer to the map on the other side of this page.
Patience: At the beginning of the year, it usually takes a few weeks for everything to run smoothly; we ask for your patience during this time.
AM Drop – Off Click here for the AM Drop Off Route Map.
You must enter the parking lot from Jones Point Road.
- All students must be dropped off in front of the Kennicott building (by the office)
- Greeters will open car doors on the passenger side ONLY to ensure your child’s safety
- Students will proceed to Market Square until 7:55am
You are welcome to park your car and walk your child to morning recess in Market Square. There will be supervision on Market Square beginning at 7:40am. At 7:55am, the triangle bell will be rung for children to line up and enter the building.
IMPORTANT: Students who arrive after 8:00am will be considered tardy and will need to go to the office to receive a tardy pass.
Kindergarten Pick-Up Click here for the Kindergarten PM Pick Up Route.
All Kindergarten students will be picked up in the Comstock Parking lot. On early release days, Kindergarten pick up will take in place in the Comstock lot with the rest of the student body. Please allow extra time for pick-up.
PM Pick-Up Click here for the Grades 1-8 PM Pick Up Route.
For after school pick up, your carpool number should hang from your rear view mirror so that it is visible. Please do not drive around another car as this creates huge safety hazards to parents, staff and students.
- Enter the Kennicott parking lot from Jones Point Road (by the office).·
- Turn immediately right and form two lines and follow the road around just like the morning drop off
- Merge into a single line after the mailboxes
- Turn right in front of Byron Colby Barn and follow the lane around to the Comstock Parking lot
- Pick up is to the east of the gym
- Staff members will open car doors on the passenger side only
- Exit onto Jones Point Road from Comstock Parking lot
At the end of class, children will be called to their designated pick up place for dismissal. Cars need to stay in a line and children will be loaded into cars in the order in which the cars are lined up. Each driver should have his/her carpool number displayed on the passenger window. Please help your child to memorize his/her carpool number. If you wish to speak to a teacher, please call him/her after school. The carpool line is just too busy for good parent-teacher communication. The use of cell phones in the carpool line is prohibited.
*Due to staff and student safety, if your child misses their number and does not arrive when your car is in the pick-up zone, you will need to pull through and get back in line.
It is very important that your carpool and emergency contact information are complete and up-to-date on the enrollment form. If you are planning to have your child walk or ride his/her bike to school, please make note of this on the enrollment form. Students can only be released to adults listed on the enrollment form. If you wish to have another adult listed, please call the office. If your request for a particular adult is just for one day, send a note to the classroom teacher or notify the office by phone. Children must have a permission note in their hands to go with a person not designated on the carpool pick-up form.
Special Circumstances
If you have a special circumstance that would require your walker/biker/car rider to leave early or right at 3:30, special permission will need to be given by the administration. You will need to park in the center section of the Kennicott parking lot (by the office), sign out and pick up your child(ren) from the office. Procedures for this process are posted in the office waiting area.
Walkers/Bike Riders
Children who walk or bike to school may enter the school grounds either by crossing Jones Point Road near the Kennicott parking lot or at the corner of Amos Bennett Street and Prairie Trail. There will be a crossing guard present at each of these locations from 7:45 – 8:00 am each morning. Bike racks will be set up on the southwest side of the Kennicott building. All bikes should be locked and on kickstands or in the bike rack. All bike riders are required to wear helmets.
We will dismiss walkers and bike riders before we begin carpool to get students on their way before traffic starts. We ask all bikers and walkers to stay off the grassy area between the Rachel Carson and the Anna B. Comstock Building. Please walk on the sidewalk only