We’ve been busy in math class! Our focus last week and this week was on developing strategies for organizing and counting sets of objects so that they are easy to count and combine. You can practice this skill at home by giving your child a set of objects to count (in class we’ve been doing between 20 and 30, but feel free to go higher!) and having them organize it in a way that makes it easier to count. THEN make then explain how and why they sorted it the way they did. We’ve been working in class on grouping objects into 5’s, 2’s, and 1’s. Some students have also started putting 2 groups of 5’s together to be an easy to count 10!
We are just starting to revisit our combinations of 10 games as well to develop fluency with these problems. The card games we are playing in class are Make 10 and Tens Go Fish. Everyone was excited to hear that we’d be playing some fun and familiar games!