Today we finished our nonfiction feature folders! We’ll be taking an assessment over the features that we learned before spring break arrives to check what we learned. Students have also been working on any leftover work in progress so that we can start fresh after spring break. We had farm to table today, which threw off our schedule, but we still got in 2 reading session!!
For break, the students will be completely cleaning out their lockers. We’ve seen a few stray ants in the classroom near the lockers, so I’m sending everything home in the hopes that we can head the problem off at the pass. If you want to send an extra bag to school, we can send home rain gear tomorrow (chances of rain for the rest of the week are 8% and 11%) and then students will just be left with their extra clothes to bring home on Friday. Please feel free to check and change out clothes in the extra clothes bag while it is at home. 🙂