Today we had fun with shadows! Since the Sun was (finally) out, we went outside to observe what happens to our shadows throughout the day. In the morning, around 9:30, the students went outside and a partner drew their shadow. We went out again after lunch, around 12:30, to draw our shadows again. I heard quite a bit of, “We did this already!?! Why are we going out to draw our shadow again?” The students stood in the same spot they had in the morning, observed where their shadow was, and drew their new shadow. There were some wonderfully confused 1st and 2nd graders. We were going to observe our shadow again on the way to PE at 2:00, but the Sun did not cooperate. The students wrote a reflection about what they saw that I planned to take about 5 minutes. It turned into a 40 minute lesson and reflection (complete with Mrs. Kulbeda spinning around the room to illustrate day vs. year) because everyone wanted to put awesome details in their drawings and reflections. Ask your child about the cool science observations they got to make about shadows from the Sun today!
From the 8th grade:
Because of the popularity of the Butter Braids sale the 8th graders held a few months ago,
PCCS is holding a second sale. The process is easy: Click HERE and download a form.
Don’t know what Butter Braids are? Butter Braids are a large pastry that are filled with
fruit, chocolate, cinnamon or cream cheese. They come frozen and require minimal prep
to bake and eat! There are many flavors to choose from and they make a wonderful
addition to a weekend breakfast or brunch. Butter Braids are not found in stores, so this
is your chance to stock up! Completed orders include your form with your name and
order clearly marked, along with your check, made out to PCCS. Orders are due by
Thursday, March 19. The Butter Braids will be delivered on Monday, March 30th in the
afternoon. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go toward the 8th Grade Virginia Trip;
the more you buy, the more we will be able to help offset some of the costs for the
students. Please email Mr. Habel with any questions. Thanks for supporting our