Ms. McGarry’s Newsletter
September 9th, 2022
The students continued through Unit 1 in math where they learned about factors and different ways to solve multiplication problems using ones they already know. The students also learned about multiples and how to find them using arrays, number lines, and other strategies. The students will be continuing to work through this unit throughout this week and the upcoming ones. I will let you know when we are getting closer to the first Unit test.
I have been reading the interactive-read-aloud books A Boy and a Jaguar by Alan Rabinowitz, Heroes by Ken Mochizuki, and started The Gold-Threaded Dress by Carolyn Marsden. We will keep reading this book throughout next week as well. The class completed NWEA make-ups as well as the initial sessions with AIMSweb testing. There will be time for students to finish their tests if they did not finish as well as any makeup tests for those who were not there. I will be conducting individual reading assessments for the student’s reading levels throughout the coming days of school.
The students have continued to work through the writing workshop. Throughout the week, they have been learning about realistic fiction writing. As a class and on their own, the students began learning about how to come up with realistic fiction stories. We will be working on learning how to write these stories and coming up with new ideas for them in the upcoming weeks.
Science and Environmental Education
Thursday, the students learned about the wildlife that lives in the wetlands habitat with Ms. Naomi at Lake Leopold. They found creatures such as snails and dragonfly larvae. They will continue to make these scientific observations about plants and animals throughout the year. If weather permits, we will have Solo Spots next week in order to observe the changes from before.
During our science class, we started our lesson on the forest. The students were introduced to a slideshow presentation they will be exploring independently as a supplement to what they will be learning in structured time about the forest. Weather permitted, Monday afternoon, we will be going on a hike to the forest. Please have your student dressed appropriately for this activity and bring a raincoat. If it is only raining a bit, then we will still be going on this hike. It will be for about two miles overall. Make sure your child brings a water bottle to school that day as well.
Dates to Save
- September 13th – Curriculum Night Comstock Building 6-7 pm
- September 15th – Curriculum Night Carson Building 6-7 pm
- September 16th – Early Release for Teachers Institute