Ms. McGarry’s Newsletter
September 23rd, 2022
The students reviewed for their Unit 1 in math tests they took on Thursday and Friday. The students will be completing some preview activities in the next few days of class as a preview of future lessons to explore. The students will also begin Unit 2 and have a pre-assessment on Tuesday.
I have been reading the interactive-read-aloud book La Mariposa by Francisco Jimenez. The students will be writing a story about what they think would have happened in the story if something had changed. I will be continuing to conduct individual reading assessments for the student’s reading levels throughout the coming days of school.
The students have continued to work through the writing workshop. Throughout the week, they have been learning about realistic fiction writing. We have been working on making sure the characters they have been making have interests and emotions. We have also been discussing how to write detailed settings for their stories. We will be working on learning how to write these stories and coming up with new ideas for them in the upcoming weeks.
Science and Environmental Education
Thursday, Ms. Naomi introduced the information for the field trip next Friday. The students will need to make sure that they have jeans, a jacket, comfortable walking shoes, a water bottle and a packed lunch that does not have anything that needs to be heated up. We still have room for one more parent volunteer to come with to the field trip. If you volunteer, we are going to be outside all day so be prepared for that. If you do not have your volunteer paperwork filled out, that is okay, you can get the information in the office. I will attach a sign up genius link in this email if you are interested.
During our science class, we continued our lesson on the forest. The students worked through their slideshow presentation and they explored independently as a supplement to what they will be learning in structured time about the forest where students started to learn about “tree cookies” and the inner parts of a tree. The students will continue learning about the forest next week and complete a mural in the class.
Dates to Save
- September 30th – ECOHeroes field trip
- October 6th – Early release
- October 7th – no school- Institute Day
- October 10th – no school- Indigenous Peoples Day
- October 11th – Picture Retake Day