Happy December,
Thank you to the many families who set aside time to meet with homeroom teachers prior to Thanksgiving! It was so wonderful to connect and check in – please know we are always eager to find new ways to improve our support for students, and we are an email or Zoom call away should new concerns arise. Some of the common topics from conferences have been summarized below:
The Homework Spreadsheet is updated daily, and is the main resource for families and students alike to keep track of work covered each day (ideally there is not more than 1 hour of homework each night, if there is please contact your child’s teachers)
Powerschool is updated for grades weekly, and is another great resource; let us know if your families needs a password reset
If you are looking for additional practice opportunities, specifical in math and/or ELA, IXL.com is a great resource. Students can choose from a variety of skill areas in each subject. For most students, their username is their first and last name20 (no spaces) & the password is abc123
*Please note that Dec 11th is a curriculum pick-up day! There will be many important items coming home in this bag, since it will cover the week prior to winter break as well as a few weeks following.
This week:
In ELA: students continued our latest unit on informational reading and writing, by reviewing text features, reading and starting with on a Nat Geo Global Issues book, and diving back into our monthly “Current Events” assignment
In Social studies: students reflected on the many systems that existed within primitive times. They planned and started creating 2 comics, to represent both in words and visuals what these systems may have looked like. Next week we will be wrapping up our Stone Age unit with a few review days and an evaluation of students’ learning.
In Science: we learned about and started our volcano research project this week! Reminder that the finished poster and packet need to be returned to school on December 11th.
In Math: we continue to work through our daily lessons. A few times each week, students are asked to complete a homework check in Classroom. These are helpful to see which students are understanding the lessons. A math packet will be sent home on December 11th for Math A and Math B to help with skill practice before Winter Break.
Important Dates
Fri Dec 11: Curriculum Pick Up, 3-4 pm on Campus
Please return the Nat Geo Global Issues book inside the nature bag, and bring your child’s volcano poster and packet along with the bag. Math B needs to return the Mid-Module 3 assessment task as well.
Fri Dec 18: Virtual Winter Party, time TBD
-Ms. Turner & the Sixth Grade Team