Last week kept us busy as we finished the math portion of our NWEA testing and dove into some new assignments and projects. Your students continue to impress us with their willingness to help in the classroom when needed and their desire to learn and work together on class projects. In ELA, we are reading a short book, My Diary from Here to There, and all students are using Google Classroom to answer questions based on the reading. Many of these questions ask them to practice a new strategy we’ve been working on, using text evidence, as they support their opinion with facts from the text. We will be discussing our responses to this book and identifying the themes in the story throughout the week.
In social studies we have begun working on a short PowerPoint presentation about the nonfiction text we recently read in class, Migration. On Friday, all students were assigned to a group and began dividing the tasks required of this project. If you’d like to see the checklist for the final presentation, you can find it on Google Classroom or through this link. We will begin class presentations on Thursday, 9/12.
If you have questions about any of the assigned homework, please bookmark this homework document created by the 5th grade team.
As Mr. Hurwtiz mentioned in his newsletter, we will have Spirit Week next week in conjunction with Attendance Week. We’re looking forward to seeing some fun hats or hairstyles tomorrow!
Upcoming Events:
Monday, September 9th – 13th -Attendance Week
Monday, September 9th Hearing Screening (K, 1, 2, 3)/Vision Screening (2, 8)
Tuesday, September 10th -Hearing Screening(K, 1, 2, 3)/Vision Screening (2, 8)
Thursday, September 12th – Soccer @Grasslake 4:00pm
Friday, September 13th – Soccer and XC Team Pictures 4:00p
Monday, September 16th – Carson Curriculum Night 6:00pm
Tuesday, September 17th – XC @ Stanton
Wednesday, September 18th – XC Bulldog Open
Thursday, September 19th – Soccer@Home
PCCS Fall Fest Sunday, October 6th