This week students initiated studies of their final ELA unit of the year, The Hero’s Journey. Ask you child what they know about the steps, and about the connections they made to novels & movies from modern cultures. In social studies, students shared FANTASTIC performances at Monday’s Wax Museum (click here for pictures). Thank you all for your support! We will now be concluding our studies of Greece by looking at the ancient civilization’s impact on architecture.
The Warren Dunes camping trip is upon us; one week from today students will be returning from an immense bonding experience! Wednesday’s departure will feature a regular drop-off time for students, so added assistance at carpool would be helpful. Please be sure to review these brief reminders:
To prepare, please review the packing list here & check the weather forecast for the Sawyer, MI area.
If you have completed the medical form with a doctor’s signature, please send medicine in to the Nurse’s office, not the classroom.
Students should bring 2 sack lunches for the trip: day 1’s lunch will be carried with them on the bus, day 2’s lunch will be collected prior to our leaving campus. Please be sure this lunch is labeled with your child(ren)’s name(s) and contains items that are nut-free and okay to not be refrigerated.
If you have any questions while students are away, you may contact the PCCS office at 847-543-9722. In case of emergency while the class is away, you can reach Mrs. Flaig via the trip phone at 224-249-1509.
Important Dates
Mon, May 20: Taste of the World visit, PLEASE send students with a plate 🙂
Wed, May 22-Fri May 24: Warren Dunes Camping Trip
Fri, May 24: Early release, 1 PM dismissal
Mon, May 27: No School, Memorial Day
Have a fabulous weekend!
-Ms. Turner & Mrs. Albert