If you’re anything like me, the sun this weekend has lifted your spirits, and you’re ready to take on the week ahead. We have a busy month planned in 5th grade, so we’ll do our best to keep you up to date on events. Please never hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have.
This week, as Mr. Hurwitz mentioned, we will have our spring NWEA tests. The reading test will take place on Thursday from 9:00-11:00 and the math test will take place on Friday from 9:00-11:00. If you could avoid scheduling any appointments for your child during these times, that would be much appreciated. Also, please return forms for the Robert Crown presentation, the camping trip, and the canoe trip. Mr. Stewart and Mrs. Zimmerman have been working hard to organize all of the paperwork coming in. Returning these forms quickly makes their job a bit easier. Thank you!
Now that we have finished our poetry unit in ELA, we will be rehearsing folktales from around the world in a Reader’s Theatre format. These folktales are traditionally performed on the camping trip which are always fun to watch. Ask your student what part they will be playing! Spelling tests will continue on Tuesday for Disney, Squishy Bananas, Yellow Submarine, and Australian Hawks.
In social studies, we have chosen countries for Taste of the World on May 20th. Information about the country your child has chosen will be displayed on a tri-fold board which is available at many stores. Please let us know if you have any trouble purchasing a board for your child. Some students have chosen to work with a partner, so only one board is necessary for the pair. Also, your students are currently choosing recipes to make for this school-wide event. The recipe should provide 100 sample size pieces of their food item. The responsibility to prepare this item should rest on the students, with only supervisory roles from the parents, and all recipes (including ingredients) should be digitally submitted to us by Monday, May 13th. Please see the document attached for more information on this fun research project.
And finally, our ABC Countdown has begun! Each student in Mrs. Neil/ Mr. Stewart’s class is responsible for providing a theme for one of the days in the countdown. This is a work in progress, but the current edition is available below.
Important Dates:
Tuesday,May 7th- PCCS Band Concert 7:00pm
Wednesday, May 8th- Early Release
Friday, May 10th- Pizza Day
Monday, May 13th- 6th Grade Wax Museum
Monday, May 13th- Robert Crown presentation to 5th grade
Wednesday, May 15- Farm to Table
Monday, May 20th- 5th Grade Taste of the World
Monday, May, 27th No School; Memorial Day