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Turner Times 3/1/19

Greetings all,

Second trimester is officially at a close. Please join us for Student-Led Conferences on March 14th, by signing up here. Students have wrapped up T2 by completing their 3D map of the Nile, their fourth vocabulary quiz of the year, and their dinosaur research report – concluding our informational writing unit. Next week we will begin our unit on Argumentative writing with a piece on hoverboard use.

This Thursday during social studies, students in 6th grade will have the opportunity to visit the Star Lab. The mythology of different cultures that we will study later this year relates strongly to constellations, so we will be taking advantage of the Star Lab being on campus by enjoying a 40 minute “guided tour of the stars” from Mrs. Naomi.

Lastly, we are getting ready for this year’s state assessment. In April, students in 3rd-8th grade will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness. There will be a total of 5 sessions (2 ELA and 3 math), with students taking one session per day. 6th grade testing dates will be April 8th-12th. Please see the school’s Friday newsletter for more information and if you have any questions, you may contact Mr. Zamiar.

Important Dates

  • Monday, March 4: Final Math Cooking Day (9-11 am & 1-3 pm; please considering volunteering)

  • Wednesday, March 6: Tornado Drill, 9:30 am

  • Thursday, March 7: Star Lab, in the afternoon

Have a wonderful weekend!

-Ms. Turner & Mrs. Krissek


Roxanne Turner
Sixth Grade Teacher
Prairie Crossing Charter School