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A Windy Weekend

The wind blowing outside reminds me of how quickly these February days have gone by. It’s hard to believe we are in the last week of the month and the last week of the 2nd trimester. Please note that student led conferences will be held on March 14-15. Details and sign ups will be sent home soon.
In ELA this week, we will begin our Literature Circles. All students will be assigned to a group of 3-5 students. These groups will be reading one of four books: Where the Red Fern Grows, Old Yeller, Sounder, or Shiloh. With their group, they will decide on a timeline for the reading and choose “jobs” for each week. If possible, please help your child stay on schedule with their reading at home. This way they will be able to participate fully in discussions with their small groups. Spelling tests will be given on Tuesday for Prodigy, SBSN Spellers, Llamacorns, Puppies, and Taco Cats. We will also have a vocabulary quiz on Thursday. Study guides for this quiz have been posted on Google Classroom and should be completed by Thursday.
We had our first geography quiz in social studies last Wednesday and all quizzes have been graded and returned to the students. If your student would like to re-take this quiz, please be sure to sign a re-take form. These forms are available at school and allow the student an opportunity to record a plan to best prepare for the re-take. Our next quiz will cover the states and capitals of the Southeast and will be given on Tuesday. The 12 states covered can be found in your child’s social studies notebook.
Tuesday, February 26th- Board Meeting 7:00pm
Wednesday, February 27th- Early Release 1:00pm
Wednesday, February 27th- Sectional 3 Spelling Bee
Thursday, February 28th- Girls Basketball Game @ Alden Hebron
Friday, March 1st- Natural Leaders Assembly 8:15am
Friday, March 1st- Pizza Day
Friday, March 1st- End of Second Semester
Friday , March 1st- PCCS Girls Basketball Tournament @ Alden Hebron 4:00pm
Saturday, March 2nd- One Earth Film Festival 1:00-4:00pm
Saturday, March 2nd- PCCS Girls 7th grade Basketball Tournament 10:00am
Monday, March 4th- PCCS Lottery 7-9:00pm
Friday, March 8th- Fun Fair 4:00-7:30pm Gaylord Nelson Gym
Wednesday, March 13th- Festival of Colors (Holi) Celebration and potluck
Thursday, March 14th-15th- Scholastic Book Fair during conferences