These beautiful fall days have given us a feeling of energy and
excitement both in the classroom and out. Mrs. Neil’s class started
our week peeling and chopping apples for applesauce in support of our
“Eat Real” Challenge. As the apples simmered, the classroom smelled
amazing!! We were happy to share this treat with our Book Buddies on
Tuesday as we used our five senses and many amazing adjectives to
describe what we love about apples. We also enjoyed our first Pizza
Friday. Thank you to the PSO and the many volunteers who made this
special lunch possible.
In ELA, both classes should have read Chapters 11 and 12 in Esperanza
Rising by Monday. Nothing is due in Google Classroom at this time, but
we will be discussing labor unions and strikes while looking closely
at the events from these chapters. On Monday, both ELA classes will
also be working with a local author, Natalie Rompella, on the
importance of journaling – specifically nature journaling – as we
focus on becoming more descriptive writers.
After our quiz in social studies on the Executive and Legislative
branches, we will turn our attention to the Judicial branch and the
Constitution this week. Both House Committees are still busy debating
amendments to the Pizza Bill and learning parliamentary procedure and
the art of compromise in the process!
On Monday, November 12th, PCCS will be celebrating Veterans Day with
an assembly and an opportunity to decorate our campus. The Carson
students will be placing small flags near walkways with stars that
identify the name of a serviceman or servicewoman. If there is a
military member in your family or your circle of friends/ neighbors,
please let us know! We will generate a list in our classrooms and then
transfer these names to a star.
And finally, I will be off campus for an ELA conference from Tuesday
through Friday of this week. Mrs. Baynes will be teaching in my place.
I will miss your students, but I look forward to learning new ideas
and strategies to implement in the classroom!