Whether this has been a restful weekend, or one filled with sports and family events, I hope you and your students have been enjoying these past three days. We look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday for another fun and busy week!
In ELA, we have been reviewing the structure of a strong written paragraph and looking at common themes in literature. To do this, we read about the perseverance of Kerri Strug and her famous Olympic vault that secured the gold medal for the USA women’s gymnastic team in 1996. We will continue to use short stories this week to practice inferring, making a claim, and citing evidence.
In social studies, we reviewed the parts of a map, and we are currently working on our final draft of our “Ideal Neighborhood” map. The students will be given class time on Tuesday and part of Wednesday to finish this map. If work still needs to be done after Wednesday, it will be need to be taken home for homework. Speaking of homework, the 5th grade homework calendar is up and running! You can access this Google calendar through the “Homework” tab on my webpage and Mr Hurwitz’s webpage. Some parents have found it helpful to bookmark this page for easy reference when at home.
Each 5th grade student has a virtual bank account through the MyKidsBank.org website. This is where we deposit weekly pay for their assigned classroom job. We also make withdrawals from this account for tuition (first Friday), water and trash (second Friday), electric (third Friday), and rent (fourth Friday). On Tuesday (tomorrow), we will hold our first Marketplace of the year. All students are invited (but not required) to sell at a booth during Marketplace to earn money for their account. Booths can be used for the sale of small items, such as pencils, bookmarks, origami, trading cards, etc. These items should be things found around the house, not purchased specifically for Marketplace. Any student with a positive bank balance may purchase items from another student.
If your child is new to band, please attend the Parent Information meeting on Tuesday, September 4th at 6:00 p.m. in Muir Hall. Also, we will hold our Carson Curriculum Night on Monday, September 17th at 6:00 p.m. in Room 24. And finally, please consider joining us for our annual “Tomato Jubilee” on Wednesday, September 19th at 9:00 a.m. This is a fun 5/6 cooking event to celebrate our harvest of garlic, tomatoes, and onions from our vegetable gardens. We will send home an ingredient list for any family that is interested and able to donate food items and/or loan kitchen equipment for this event.