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Turner Tribune 4/13/18

What a week at PCCS,


The date has been set for our Wax Museum, mark your calendars for April 30th if you would like to come observe students as they embody famous ancient Greek and Egyptian figures in history and mythology. Sessions will run every 30 minutes from 9:20-11 and 12:30-3. Please be sure to sign in at the office before making your way over to the 6th grade classrooms. In ELA, each student has a poetry portfolio due by Monday morning on Google Classroom, please encourage them to work on it this weekend if it has not already turned in – they are looking GREAT so far!

Please be sure to help your child check for the weather each day next week, as we aim to be outside when possible. Students will be given their Earth Week shirt Monday first thing to wear to the opening ceremony – it will help if everyone wears a shirt to school that they can wear their Earth Week shirt over. We also ask that students wear this year’s Earth Week shirt on Friday’s field trip to the Zoo, if possible. Thank you!


Lastly, we are in need of a few more items for cooking on Tuesday. Our class will be making spanakopita bites but as of right now we need many ingredients donated. If you are able to help, please sign up here. We appreciate your consideration!


Important Dates:

Monday, 4/16: Earth Week Opening Ceremony

Tuesday, 4/17: Cooking, 9AM; 3rd trimester midterm

Wednesday, 4/18: Discovery Wildlife Center visit, AM

Thursday, 4/19: Bike trip to Independence Grove (students must have a bike AND helmet), 9-2

Friday, 4/20: Lincoln Park Zoo field trip, 9-2

Wednesday, 4/25: F2T registration due (A La Carte only)


Ms. Turner & Mr. Hurwitz