Hello families!
It was an action-packed 4-day week in 6th grade, as we wrapped up second trimester! Students completed their dystopian narratives in ELA, and then began creating a mockup book cover for their story. This includes a front title/cover, a publishing company, “reviews” from readers, and a summary on the back. These are due Tuesday and are already looking great! Also, they completed reading their lit circle novels this week. On Thursday, students began their Egyptian Master of Knowledge presentations in small groups. Between slideshows, poster-boards, and hands-on activities, everyone displayed great creative ideas for teaching their topic. In our specials, students had fitness testing (PE), began looking at classical music patterns (Music), learned how to write comparison sentences (Spanish), and learned about the negative effects of alcohol (Health).
Coming up in March, students will begin preparing for the Egyptian Wax Museum (a 6th grade rite of passage and arguably the biggest individual project of the year). In addition to researching a god, goddess or historical figure, students will be presenting a speech as their figure. While dressing up is optional/extra credit, all students will be crafting a plaster mask in school for the presentation. In order to create the masks, we are collecting donations of plaster wrap for mask-making. If willing and interested, we are asking for 6-8 packets of either of the following::
Thank you so much for your consideration!
Important Dates:
Friday, 2/23: End of 2nd Trimester
Wednesday, 2/28: F2T (12:15 PM-12:50 PM)
Friday, 3/2: Report Cards emailed home, Conferences sign-up emailed out
Tuesday, 3/6: Green Assembly, 8:10 in the gym
Thursday, 3/8: Early Release, 1pm (Conferences)
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Turner & Mr. Hurwitz