Happy Friday again! All students got a chance to enjoy the Holiday Bazaar yesterday, and they seemed to have a successful shopping trip. Everyone is very excited for the upcoming break, but we were busy at work in class this week. The 3rd and 4th graders completed, and turned in, their first opinion papers. I am looking forward to reading them! We started a new type of persuasive/opinion paper that will be talking about people in our lives, and why they are special. We have successfully started our science unit on light, and will continue to work on it up until Winter Break. The 4th graders finished their unit on fractions and decimals this week. Some time was spent in Work Places so that we could review in order to prepare for the test. They will get their tests back next week!
Next week, the 4th graders will start on measurement and converting units. In it, we will be talking about measurements of capacity, weight, and distance. In writing, we will finish filling out our graphic organizers and start our rough drafts. The 3rd and 4th graders will get to meet with their writing buddies later in the week. We hope to finish our persuasive/opinion papers before break! Our light unit will continue with experiments and demonstrations. We will even learn how our eyes work!
Important Dates:
12/12/17 – Geography Bee assembly
12/16/17 – 8th grade babysitting in gym
12/22/17 – Winter Sing (8:30-9:30)
12/22/17- Holiday Parties (11:45-12:45)
12/22/17- Early Release