We are so lucky to still have such beautiful weather! We had the chance to enjoy the sun during Phenology this week, but still saw some signs that fall is on its way. In science, we started our unit on magnets – everyone is very engaged in our “labs”. It is interesting to learn new vocabulary words and learn what makes objects magnetic. We are working on continuing our personal narratives by writing about a small moment with a person that is special to us, or a small moment in our favorite place. This will be our first writing assignment of the year, and the 3rd and 4th graders all received a rubric to help guide their work. The 4th graders did a great job on their unit test, and have moved on to measurement, weight, and mass. We have worked on several hands-on activities that help the students understand the difference between weight and mass.
Next week, the 4th graders will learn about volume and capacity and spend more time interacting in centers in order to understand what all of these terms mean. The 3rd and 4th graders will be going to their Solo Spots to observe nature and journal. We will be finishing our personal narratives, and will turn them in on Thursday. The 3rd and 4th graders will get time each day in class to work on their writing in order to complete it. Your child has a rubric with expectations about their writing – ask them about it! I also gave them the option of typing their papers if they have access to google docs. This way they can work at home and continue their work at school. Our class will also continue our unit on magnets and learn more about magnetic fields and magnetic pull.
On this website you can read books by grade level, play games that reinforce skills that are learned in each grade, and read interesting information.