We will kick off this week with Patriot Day for Spirit/ Attendance Week! In an effort to encourage all students to attend school this week, Mr. Zamiar has made the following promise:
If the school has better attendance during Attendance week that we had last year, Mr. Zamiar will wear a Bear’s Jersey on the First Friday following attendance week. If PCCS is named to the top 10 of the schools participating in Attendance week (we have been there many times before) Mr. Z will wear a Bear’s Jersey every Friday during Football Season! If PCCS wins First Place for Attendance Week… Mr. Z will take down all the Packers gear in his office and replace it all with Bear’s Gear. Go PCCS!!!!
The schedule for Spirit Week is as follows:
Monday, September 11th–Patriot Day–Wear your USA Garb
Tuesday, September 12th–Crazy Hat Day
Wednesday, September 13th–Grade Band Class Team Color Day (Purple and Black) AND Farm to Table Day
Thursday, September 14th– Dress-Up Day
Friday, September 15th–PCCS Spirit Day–Wear Green or PCCS Spiritwear
Also on Monday, we will be taking a trip to the Prairie Crossing Farm. We will travel by hay wagon to the farm where we will learn about organic farming and the many crops they grow there. We will focus in particular on tomatoes as we prepare to celebrate our traditional 5th/6th grade Tomatoes Jubilee on Friday, September 22nd. This is a fun cooking day for our students, and we welcome any parents who would like to help in the classroom or donate items that morning. If you are interested in helping make this unique opportunity possible, please consider donating and/or volunteering your time (9am-1pm) by signing up here. Please review the recipes here and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
And finally, Mr. Hurwitz and Ms. Turner are starting a 4-session Games Club in mid-September for all Carson students. Check out the flyer here for more information!
We hope to see you all at the Carson Curriculum Night on Tuesday, September 12th from 6:00 – 7:00! The 5th grade presentations will be held in our classroom, Room 24.