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Week 1 of 2017!

Dear Parents,

I would like to welcome new families and returning families to Prairie Crossing for the 2017-2018 school year.  It was nice to meet many of you at the back-to-school picnic.  I am excited to begin my second year at Prairie Crossing Charter School!  I look forward teaching your children.  The 3rd and 4th grade teachers have many great activities planned for the school year!

This letter is to let you know about some of the classroom procedures.  A copy of it will also be posted on our classroom webpage. The webpage will also show homework, upcoming events, pictures, and an overview of our week. Please do not forget to go to the parent portal on the Prairie Crossing website FIRST. Your username is: PCCSparent and your password is: pccs-2017-2018-hawks-k-8

My email is  You can contact me by email, writing in your child’s assignment notebook, or by writing me a note that your child can bring to school.  My assistant is Mrs. Trage and her email is

All students will have an assignment notebook that will be written in daily.  My assistant and I may occasionally use assignment notebooks for notes to the parents as well. Students should show their assignment notebook to their parents each day, and parents should initial the assignment notebook daily.  An adult in the classroom will put a star over parent initials the next day.

The students will have daily spelling homework, except on Fridays. I would also encourage 10-15 minutes of reading each night.  This can be with a book of their choice. Homework will also be posted on the school website:  

There may be supplies that need to be replenished throughout the school year.  Your child should have rain gear and extra clothes stored at school. Students are to wear slippers or indoor shoes inside the classroom.   The shoes or boots the students wear outside are kept in the hallway during the day.  This helps keep the mud, dirt, and rocks out of the classroom after being outside.

Parents are welcome to help in the classroom after signing in at the office.  Please give me a 24-hour notice of when you are planning to visit.  My schedule can change because of testing, outdoor lessons, weather, assemblies, or other reasons.

Our class will have snack time in the morning.  Your child can bring a healthy, trash free, and nut free snack daily.  All students should also bring a reusable water bottle.  They can refill water bottle as needed.  On early release days students will be given time for a snack, but not lunch.  You may send a larger snack on those days.

At PCCS we have students with nut allergies.  We have certain procedures that we follow to assure the safety of those with allergies.  Students are asked to not eat peanuts or nuts during snack or meals.  If your child brings something that has nuts or was processed with nuts, he/she should know so we can make sure we follow the peanut/nut procedure.  There is a microwave in the classroom to be used during lunch.  I ask that students bring food that only needs to be warmed for 30 seconds or less during lunch. This way there is time for everyone to eat.

Looking forward to a wonderful school year!


Mrs. Wagner