The 2017-2018 Physical Education and Health Department at PCCS has a link to the side in downloads for grading scale.
Students in grades 3-4 will be expected to wear their regular school clothes for class along with having a clean pair of PE shoes.
- Classroom grading is based on a 10 point scale.
- Students can earn 10 points each day for having their PE shoes, full participation, positive behavior during class with other classmates, being safe during game play, being respectful to all staff/students, and being responsible from arrival to departure of the gym.
- Students are also able to earn HAWKS tickets during classes during team building exercises, when caught doing good, and for leading by positive example.
Students in grades 5-8 will be expected to change into their PE uniform (PCCS shirt, PCCS short, and PE shoes) for Physical Education class.
- Classroom grading is based on a 10 point scale.
- Students can earn 10 points each day for having their PE shoes, PE UNIFORM, full participation, positive behavior during class with other classmates, being safe during game play, being respectful to all staff/students, and being responsible from arrival to departure of the gym.
- -5 points each day for a ND (not dressed) and +5 points each day with full participation = 5 points.
- +5 points each day with PE uniform/PE shoes and +5 points each day with full participation = 10 points.
- Students are also able to earn HAWKS tickets during classes during team building exercises, when caught doing good, and for leading by positive example.
- Students that forget to bring their PE UNIFORM can ask Mr. Loustaunau for a clean rental for the day to help them earn the full 10 points. The used PE UNIFORM rentals are washed daily. This is available for all students so that they have the tools to be successful for class.
Prairie Crossing Charter School is preparing students to be successful at the High School level. Our expectation is for each student to graduate with a solid foundation in fitness knowledge and sport skills. Students will need to be prepared for each gym class with their PE UNIFORM, PE shoes, full participation, and a positive attitude at all times.