By now, I hope your child has shared some of their experiences with you from our trip to Warren Dunes. After an exciting camping adventure – thank you to Ms. Graves for chaperoning – we are gearing up for the last week of school. Tomorrow is our canoe trip to Skokie Lagoons. All students should have a peanut free, non-heat up lunch for the trip, as well as a water bottle, and day bag. Everyone should also bring their nature journal. PCCS received a generous grant to cover the cost of this trip, and we will be journaling at various times throughout the day as we reflect on the benefits we receive from nature and forest preserves within our densely populated urban areas.
Wednesday morning our class will participate in Field Day. The class voted on purple as our team color, so all students are encouraged to wear an article of purple clothing. This can be as simple as a hat, bandana, or a pair of socks if you don’t have a purple t-shirt at home.
On Friday we will have our all-school PBIS celebration. Please feel free to join us as we picnic on Market Square from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. We will have an early release on Friday at 1:00.
By now, I’m sure you all have read the email explaining the changes in the 5/6 grade band for the 2017-2018 school year. I spoke with the class on Friday and did my best to answer any questions they had. Since we will no longer be a looping class, and I will remain a 5th grade teacher next year, it will be harder to say good-bye to your students at the end of the week! They are all amazing kids, and they will always hold a special place in my heart as my first class at PCCS. You all have been a such a kind, supportive, and enthusiastic group of parents to work with, and I feel very fortunate to have met each of you. You will be able to find me in the same classroom next year, so please stop by to say hello if you have a chance.