As we get ready to leave on our trip, please consult the packing list Ms. Bonicontro sent home a few days ago. The list should have everything your child will need at the campsite. They will not need any school supplies other than a pencil and colored pencils. Mrs. Flaig will be giving each student a blank field guide to fill in so pencils/ colored pencils will be important. If your child is not going on the camping trip, (s)he should come to our classroom in the morning on Tuesday. I have made arrangements for the students who are staying at PCCS to spend the days we are gone in either a 3/4 classroom or a 7/8 classroom. They will be given their room assignments and the independent study project on Tuesday morning.
We have our unit test on the body systems on Monday in science and we will begin presentations of our 20% Time projects on Friday. In ELA, we will continue our discussion of The Omnivore’s Dilemma over the next two weeks, and, of course, move along with the ABC countdown! For Writer’s Workshop, each student should submit an original piece (three pages minimum) to be graded and published on a Google site created especially for our class. This piece is due on Friday, May 26th.
If you have not seen the notices about the Taste of the World cookbook and would like to purchase one, please see the information below. As a service learning project, each country made a page in the book, and the students did a really nice job putting it all together. Since no school may mean no lunch for many children, we hope our donation to the Northern Illinois Food Bank will ensure that school-age children and their families have enough to eat over the summer months.