Dear parents,
The sixth graders have made it through their last full week of school in 2016! Throughout this week in Social Studies, students have been familiarizing themselves with many aspects related to the U.S. through mapping and identifying state abbreviations, rivers, mountain ranges, lakes, and much more. In ELA, we wrapped up our biography unit with presentations; check the website for photos of students in their costumes/with their water bottle design.
In Math, Mr. Hershiser’s class has been practicing fractions and decimals, while Mr. Barber’s class has started to work with variables and basic algebra. In Music, all 5th and 6th graders have spent the past few weeks preparing for the Winter Sing. Everyone did a great job singing Walking in a Winter Wonderland in various languages!
Please send your child with a reusable bag or two on Monday and Tuesday of next week. We have started planning the process for everything to be taken home over break.
Congrats to Omar for a job well done representing our class at the school-wide Geography Bee on Monday. Shout-out to Paulamon for a runner-up finish in class, and Sai and Ashna with a 3rd place tie.
With winter break coming up, we are looking for a family that would be interested in hosting Hershey (our class turtle). She would come with all of her food, both heat lamps plus her cage. Please let us know if you’re interested by emailing Ms. Turner. Thank you so much!
Important Dates to Know:
December 19: Secret Snowman gift exchange, please have your child bring his/her secret snowman gift.
December 20: Holiday Party at 2:15 PM; Owl Prowl at 5:30 PM (RSVPs required)
December 21 — January 3: Winter Break (no school)
January 4: School reconvenes
Have a fantastic, warm, and lovely winter season!
Ms. Turner and Mr. Hurwitz