Mrs. Winget’s last day was Friday. We wish her luck with her future endeavors in Maryland. Beginning Monday, Ann Breitenfield will be joining the PCCS staff as Mr. Hershiser’s IA. Ann is a recent graduate of Minot University and has been subbing here at PCCS for about a month.
Our field trip to the Milwaukee Public Museum will be taking place this Wednesday 3/9. Mrs. Edgeworth will be chaperoning for our class. Please be sure to pack a lunch for your student that doesn’t need to be heated up.
We have been working hard getting ready for our student-led conferences. The students have been creating an online portfolio to showcase some of the highlights from each class. Student-led conferences will be taking place this Thursday 3/10 and Friday 3/11.
I sent home an email with some very useful camping trip information. Please remember that camping trip commitment forms and deposits are due Friday 3/11. If you are interested in be considered for chaperoning the camping trip, please fill out the chaperone form attached in that email and return it with your student no later than March 18th. We will be making chaperone decisions when we return from spring break. Mr. Hershiser’s class and my class will be going on the camping trip to Starved Rock May 17th-May 19th.
Wax Museum will be taking place on Thursday, March 17th. Thank you to everyone who has already turned in their $1 donation for the tap lights.
All of the students will be finished with their literature circle books on Monday. We will then be working on our final project, which will be done independently. This project has each student fill out a book review and then create an alternative book cover for the book they read. The students will be receiving the instructions and rubric for the book cover on Monday. This project will be due on Monday, March 28th. The students will be presenting their projects to the class during the week of 3/28.