After the restful Thanksgiving holiday, we were happy to see the class come back with renewed energy and enthusiasm! Early in the week, we attended the December Green Challenge assembly to learn about the importance of composting and make a commitment to compost both at our school and at home. On Thursday, we “wrapped” up our November Green Challenge, Donate, Don’t Toss, and had an opportunity to shop at the Holiday Bazaar for holiday presents to give to our families. Thank you to everyone who donated gifts to the bazaar and/or helped the children select and wrap their presents!
In social studies, we created our own primitive languages and wrote skits based on these languages. Thursday was a review of the “Bones and Stones” unit in preparation for the test today. In ELA, we began researching our dinosaurs for our research papers. We also started a Word Wall for frequently misspelled words from our spelling tests and writing. This Word Wall is displayed in the back of our room as a gentle reminder to everyone of how to correctly spell these words. Feel free to send us words you may find yourself “spell checking” over the next few weeks, and we would be happy to add them to our wall!
As the temperatures begin to fall and snow covers the ground, please be sure to send your child with any outerwear they may need, including hats, gloves, scarves, and boots. If there is measurable snow on the ground, they will also need to wear snow pants at recess. Any student without boots or snow pants on snowy days will be asked to stay on the blacktop area of the playground. Thank you for helping us ensure your child is warm and comfortable during the winter months.