- Be on the look out for report cards and conference sign-ups! Report cards are coming home with students today. Conference sign-up will be online. Check your email around 4:00 pm for a message containing the link.
- Linked below is a computer-based word study activity, allowing students to pair base words with endings and then appropriately place them into sentences: FlipChip
- Starting Monday, collection begins for the Holiday Bazaar. For anyone new to PCCS, the Holiday Bazaar is a fundraiser and recycling opportunity. Parent volunteers will be coordinating the collection of many items, excluding only food items and clothing (as this is the focus of the fall’s Textile Drive).
- As the weather continues to change, please be sure to send your child to school with the appropriate outdoor gear (hats, gloves, boots, etc). Students are also welcome to keep a pair of “inside shoes” in their lockers, so that mud and dirty are not brought into the classroom.