Yesterday we started talking about the stone age diet, which is an optional assignment. I told the students that this assignment is worth 8 extra credit points for social studies and that if all of the students in their band participate, they will earn 4 survival stones. The survival stones are part of a competition we are having among the 7 bands in our class. I told students that they must have parent permission in order to participate. There is a line on the assignment sheet that asks for a parent signature and by signing this line, you are agreeing to allow your child to participate in this “experiment”. I’m also asking that you sign the sheet where the students are writing down what they are eating to serve as proof that they are following the diet. This is a two day activity so they will be participating in the stone age diet both tomorrow and Thursday. The handouts for the assignment will be due Friday. Please look for your student to come home with a packet today with all of the information 🙂